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Court Room


Meetings are held the 2nd Wednesday of the month

Located at the Fire Station Community Room

(Open to the public)

Historic District Commission (HDC)


The Marksville Historic Preservation District Commission (MHPC) serves as a citizen review board on matters concerning historic preservation within the Marksville Historic Preservation District (see map). There are five members of the Commission, appointed by the Mayor and approved by the Marksville City Council.  The commissioners are community-minded volunteers who have knowledge, training, and/or special interest in historic preservation.


The MHPDC ensures the preservation of Marksville's historic downtown through the building permit process.  It has the authority and duty to issue guidelines and requirements for all exterior construction activities within district boundaries, as well as ensure property owners adhere to any applicable requirements.  The Commission is also charged with informing the public about other matters pertinent to the District such as historic restoration tax credit opportunities and historic restoration best practices.


The Commission reviews and approves petitions for alteration, repair, relocation, demolition, or new construction of structures and for ground-disturbing activities within the district boundaries. It also makes recommendations on National Register nominations to the Louisiana State Historic Preservation Office.


Meetings are held on the 1st Thursday of every month, at 6pm

Marksville Fire Station Meeting Room, 512 North Main Street Marksville, LA 71351



Jacques Goudeau, Chairman

Lonnie Lavalais, Secretary

Jennifer Falls

Al Mahfouz

Nick St. Romain


Official District Map

For the official MHPD map, click this link to go to the Avoyelles Parish Assessor Property Map.  Zoom in to downtown Marksville, and click the arrow for "Transparent Layers", scroll to bottom and select the checkbox for "Marksville Preservation District, Local".


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